Post-Christmas Christmas Party

The kids went back to school last Thursday.
We were all ticked about it.
I think they should have a mandatory two week Christmas break.
Before the break and in between all the lazy laying around we went to the Sollis Post-Christmas Christmas party/Papa Tom's Birthday party.

We all went in separate directions on new years eve.
Kevin, Dakota, Jenna, Emmy and Garren went to Papa Dave's for the Utes game.
Nick and Kloe went to Nick's house for games.
Gracie went to a Stake dance.
Lilly and Stella made up their own games.
I think Janie watched a movie.

And I worked on a puzzle.

Turns out Stella Jane is REALLY good at puzzling.

Kev and I went to bed at 10.
We love to sleep through the ringing in of the new year.

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