Sister Hermana Beck's Weekly Email - If ADHD Was an Email

For those who don't know, Chile is the Latino melting pot of South America. Very rarely will you bump into someone here who is actually Chilean. Because of this, I've become very familiar with a lot of different cultures and different types of Spanish. I love using phrases from Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Columbia, etc. and of course ending every sentence with "po" as Chileans do. It's even gotten to the point where I can guess which Latino country people are from just by looking at their faces. People like to guess where I'm from too. They usually guess Germany or Columbia for some reason. 

The other day the old man driving our taxi asked me if I would invite him to my wedding when I get home from my mission. I told him I would. That night a lady on the street gifted us two dozen eggs, which made me giggle. We also had a really really good district council that day. I really love my district/zone this go around, I'm hoping it won't change too much with transfers tomorrow. Although today we're having a "Mateada" (mate party🧉) so maybe my zone isn't the brightest after all. Mate is still gross.

We haven't been able to meet with Paulina at all this week, she was dodging our attempts to set up appointments, and when we tried to sneak-attack visit her, she was never home, I'm praying to know how to get her to un-ghost us. I already tried bribery.

I've been told that the sun hits Arica more directly than anywhere else in the world, but I have no idea if that's true because people here love to make stuff up but tell it to you like it's a fact. Like when a member told me that if your baby is born with hair it's because you ate too much butter during your pregnancy, or when another member told me that grapes cause diabetes. If you could see the way Chileans eat, you would see that grapes are most definitely NOT the problem here. But anyways, if the sun thing is true, it would explain why if I go even 30 minutes without sunscreen I get little blisters all over my skin. Or why even though I wear my hat + sunscreen all day long, half the time I come home to see my face is still sunburned somehow ??

Please please send recipes that require eggs. Like seriously, I don't know what do to with all these eggs. Help. 

¡chao pescao!
Hermana Beck

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