We Were All Together

As soon as I arrived at the Arizona Beck House, we got right to it!

And my son got right to his crazy weight lifting.
He worked up to 455 pounds--or was it more?
I was too concerned about hernias and hemorrhoids.

Beau had a basketball game that afternoon.
Cute little baller scored two baskets!

Spent some time outside in the 70 degree weather.
I know how to do Utah winters.

Logan explained to me how lightening hit and caused the two cracks in the cactus pot.

Jackson cut down an over-grown weed bush.
The backyard is a work in progress.

It just so happened that Jax asked for Thanksgiving dinner for his birthday.
Lucky me.

Aubrey nails it when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner.

Sweet potato casserole
Homemade cranberry sauce
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Homemade rolls
Grandma Emmy's stuffing with BACON
Mama Linda's flat apple pie
Jax smoked a turkey breast--which was slow to cook, so we skipped the turkey Saturday night (the sides were so good we hardly missed it) and added it to the leftovers Sunday.

Clean up, clean up, everybody do their share...

Sunday morning Logan was so excited to show me his very own Book of Mormon and tell me all about the pictures. It's his favorite book. Grandma Becky’s too.

Aubs and I had just got the boys settled on our church bench when I look up and see Jax on the stand.
He surprised me as one of the speakers!
He gave a great talk about how to exercise your faith in Christ, and used my learning to swim story to help illustrate.
He's a great speaker.
Had everyone gripped.
Such a fun surprise.

Pulled out some church prizes for the boys and look who has her own diner?

Jax also taught Sunday School to the new members and investigators.
He led a great discussion about agency, The Fall of Adam and Eve, and the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ with a returning member and a woman who had never been to one of our meetings before. They both had such great insights to share and the returning member said the meeting was an answer to her prayers 💕. 
We talked about some of my favorite scriptures of all time in 2nd Nephi verses 
2 & 3 …thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain. Wherefore thy soul shall be blessed, and thou shalt dwell safely with thy brother Nephi—I switch that up and insert “thy brother Jesus”.
25 …men are, that they might have joy—and he doesn’t just mean in good times because joy isn’t dependent on circumstances.
I could name 15 more faves but I’ll just share one more, verse
 26 …And because that they (you and me) are redeemed from the Fall (thanks to Jesus) they (you and me) have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to ACT FOR THEMSELVES (OURSELVES) AND NOT TO BE ACTED UPON.
What a gift, you know?
None of us have to be the victim of our life.
I have come to appreciate those words so much. As a recovering control enthusiast I have, at times, depended upon other people or circumstances to change so I could feel better. I thank the heavens I woke up.

Turns out, Beau is a pretty good chess player.
He's in the chess club at school.
Reminds me of his dad at that age.

After church nap for Jax.

A fun family night lesson from Aubrey.
Is everyone sitting down?
Beau Bear gets baptized later this year!
I know, I can't believe it either.
He and his family are preparing by reading The Book of Mormon together.
Aunt Gracie decorated one for him before she left on her mission.

We were all together Saturday and Sunday.
Monday-Wednesday it was just me and the boys (that's for another post).
And then back together again Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday was Jax's actual birthday and he picked hot honey pizza (or whatever it was called) for 2nd birthday dinner. Aubs and I opted for Salad and Go.
It's a shame Salad and Go hasn't come to Utah yet.
They are fast, healthy, and cheap.
And so good!

Can you even believe I have a 30 year old???
I can not.

Jax is the absolute best!
His boys adore him.
His wife can't get enough of him.
His parents are so proud of him!

Our last night together we went up on their balcony to watch the sunset.

And take some huggle (you know, a hug with a snug) pictures...

Love my kids!

We rounded out the trip with Beau's basketball practice and Andy's custard.
That stuff is so good!
Kloe introduced me to it in Orlando last Spring.
I highly recommend the ooey gooey, not to be confused with the oogie boogie 😉

Jax took me to the airport at 6:00 Thursday morning and I was home by 10am.

Sat on the couch with my man for the next few hours. He'd had trouble hearing out of his right ear so we burned through 8 ear candles. So much ear wax 😮. No wonder he couldn't hear.
Georgia was so excited to see me, then she snuggled into my jacket.

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