Temples and Seeing Stars

Last Thursday we checked the girls out of school and headed south for a quick temple trip.
Arrived around five and we were all starving.
I saw some great reviews for Red Fort Cuisine of India restaurant in St. George, so we decided to try it.
The girls were not part of the "we", so we got them Chick Fil A.

The reviews were right.
They made some delicious vegetable coconut korma, my favorite.
After dinner we checked into our hotel.
While Kev and the girls got settled, I went to visit my aunt Jill and uncle Craig.
Loved catching up with them.

The next morning we did baptisms bright and early in the beautiful St George Temple.

Then we drove down the street to the Red Cliffs Temple open house.

We loved the color themes in this temple.
Purples, greens, peach/browns.
And the artwork was incredible.
One of the paintings that spoke to me was Jesus, telling the fishermen to cast down their nets--even though they'd been fishing all night, and caught nothing. 
When they listened to Christ and had the faith to drop those nets again, they were not just filled, but over-flowing with fish. 
I feel like he's telling me, "Try again, this time do it with me, give it a go, and see what I can do for you." 

And then there was this painting... 

(You can see more of Dan Wilson's beautiful art HERE)

Reminded me how hard I work to armor my kids with protection against the adversary every day before sending them out into the world. 
Taking the girls to these temples is part of that work. 
Kev and I keep trying to point them to Jesus Christ. 
Once they find Him for themselves, I know they'll be alright.
Lilly loved the painting of young Mary with the angel Gabriel.
Janie loved the one of Jesus Christ as a boy teaching in the temple.

It wasn't very crowded, so we went through twice.
So much to see.
Check it out...

Had to post this picture...

They have bathrooms in little trailers.
They were so cute.

We'll be back to do baptisms over Spring Break!

On our way out of town we stopped for our favorite Wetzels Pretzels.
And some of these...

Kevin put Janie behind the wheel so she could get some freeway time.
She did great.

Until she started sweating and seeing stars.

Yep, that's right.
She puked all over the car, and herself.
Came hard and fast.
She managed to pull over in the midst of the puking.

It was as fun to clean up as you would imagine.
Thank goodness we had a full container of wipes, a couple trash bags, and Lilly had an extra change of clothes she could borrow.
Janie puked a few more times on the way home.
Poor thing.

We picked up extra donuts for Dakota and Jenna and made a quick stop on the way home to squeeze the baby shmoo.

Janie stayed in the car, still carsick.
We think some bad French toast at breakfast started it all.

This one gets cuter every day.

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