Hermana Beck's Weekly Email - Sweet Home Alabama


- This week I went on exchanges with Hermana Anderson and Hermana Monroe, and then the very next day I went on exchanges with Hermana Monroe and Hermana Newlon! It was much needed on my end, one night we even stayed up until 2am talking in English <3

- During lunch on one of those exchanges, the young couple we were eating with were clearly in the honeymoon phase, so I asked them how long they'd been together... they were brother and sister. They were not acting like brother and sisteršŸ¤§

- Edmundo received the Aaronic Priesthood and passed the sacrament for the first time! 

- We had several cloudy, 75⁰ days and one time it even "rained!" Whoever is praying for me, it's working.

- We found a family of people who are all super interested in what we have to share- only issue is that they live in the furthest away, scariest part of our sector and it's genuinely a sacrifice to go see them. I think they're worth it though. One of them is literally named, "Milagros" (miracles).

- During one of the baptisms in our zone this week, me and Hna. V were sitting behind a young Chilean girl who was stalking the facebook page of the American Elder who was at the pulpit speaking. Technology is amazingšŸ¤© 

Somewhat spiritual thought: 
A common theme of my whole mission to this point has been "patience." Missions require a lot of it! Patience with your companion, patience with the people you teach, with the members (don't even get me started,) with other missionaries, with God, with yourself. I've been studying this Christlike attribute like crazy for the past couple months and I've learned a lot about it. I learned that when Brigham Young was waiting for answers, he would pray, "Give me patience to wait until I can understand it for myself.” I think I could learn a thing or two from President Young. When I have personal questions/doubts and I'm praying for an answer, I tend to think about the situation as hard as I can all day and all night. I analyze it a hundred different ways and try to "listen to the Spirit" to see if I can discern which way is the answer. How aboutttt this one? Orrrr this one? What if the answer is this? Needless to say, that method isn't working very well for mešŸ˜… it's exhausting. I'm starting to realize that you can't just think your way to revelation. Does that make sense? Is anyone else thinking themselves in circles or am I crazy? Anyway, I've started practicing Brigham Young's prayer. "Give me patience to wait until I can understand it for myself.” I'll let you know how it goes. 

Feeling blessed,
Hermana Beck

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