
Happy Halloween!!
As I write this two days before Halloween I have no idea what I'll be doing for Halloween.
My only requirement is that I do next to nothing and spend some time puzzling in my basement on my puzzle table.

Last Thursday I made the trek down to Payson for my friend Cathi's Witches party.
Her parties are epic.
She goes all out.
And she's obsessed with Halloween.

I did actually wear a dress.
We took this after I changed. 
Gotta make the long drive home in comfort. Haha.

How beautiful is this spread?

It was such a fun night, just hanging out with the witches, eating all the things, and taking a break from thinking about grief. I finished my book guys 😅. I'll have a link for it soon!

We sat around the table and told stories of creepy, scary things that have happened to us.
Cathi's mom was once robbed at gun point. True story. So scary.

This pic's my fave 😆...

Thanks to the Queen of Halloween for such a great night!


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