Dates with Grace

Love my temple dates with Gracie each Saturday morning.

And other random days of the week.

It's so fun to run into her on our shifts.
We were in the study rooms a couple of times and she didn't even notice I was there.
I listened to her practicing one of the ordinances in Spanish--I was so impressed!
When she finished I said, "Great job", and she looked up in surprise.

Working in the temple has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
Not only does it bring me peace and clarity, the Lord helps me with my weaknesses in ways no one else can. 
I love Him.

One of my favorite classes I took last week was by Anthony Sweat about the temple endowment.
He gave the most beautiful definition of what the endowment is:

Endowment is a power, a divine capacity and ability

Our ability to live higher and holier laws. 

Power to hear God, have angels minister to you, to receive revelation, to know God and His son in personal, real ways.

The presentation and power of the endowment are not the same. 

The presentation helps us know how to use the power of the endowment.

In the house of the Lord we establish patterns of Christlike living. 
We receive power from God to face the challenges of life.
And I especially love this last part:

The temple endowment is Jesus. 

It shows us how the Lord lives and how his covenant disciples live.

I can't explain it, but somehow, as I come to Christ and live within my temple covenants nothing around me can change, but something within me does, giving me the capacity and peace to handle all the things.

If you'd like to learn more about Jesus and His Holy Temples watch this

 or email me,
I love talking Jesus.

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