Back to School Blessings

Janie and Lilly start school today.
Another Summer of fun sped right by.
They are pretty excited for a new year--and a new school for Janie.
Kloe is very excited to head back to college next week.

Sunday night dad gave back to school blessings.
I was the scribe, per usual.
Except in the last year I've switched to digital with almost all my writing, so it was a little bit of a struggle to get the words on the paper--and fast.
Lilly asked me not to write in cursive. She can’t read it because they no longer teach cursive writing in our schools. So I turned the scribe duty over to Gracie since I can't print fast enough.

Every blessing was very thoughtful and individualized to each girl’s needs and concerns.
Kevin’s pondering what he might say.
(Or I struggle taking pictures 😬)

I've been impressed the way the girls read, and reread their back to school blessings.
They put their faith in the words, and really good things happen.
I also realize not all kids have a dad to give blessings.
One of my seminary students last year shared that her dad didn’t give back to school blessings, so she and her mom kneeled together and her mom said a prayer over this girl, blessing her with what she needed for the new school year. 
I love this so much and believe the prayer of a mother for her daughter is no less powerful than a blessing from her father.

Good luck today girls!
It's going to be a great year.

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