The Big Day

Tomorrow is the big day!

Actually the big weekend.

General Conference ALL WEEKEND LONG.

We've been preparing for the last 10 days touring Palmyra, Kirtland, Carthage, Nauvoo, Liberty, and Adam-ondi-Ahman; learning more of our church history and about the life of our beloved prophet Joseph Smith. We love him and are grateful he sacrificed his life to help the Lord restore so many eternal blessings to this earth.

We also spent some time in Oklahoma showing the girls where Kevin served his mission.
And Eskimo Joe's biggest fan finally got to see where all her clothes come from.

I'm also incredibly grateful for our prophet President Russell M. Nelson. Every conference he gives me invitations to do things that will help me grow closer to my Savior Jesus Christ. And every time I follow his invitation more blessings from heaven come raining down in buckets.

If you'd like to watch go HERE.

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