Creation Coach School - Open Enrollment

I'm excited to announce The Creation Coach School is open for 2023 enrollment!

Next to marrying Kevin (BTW we celebrate 30 years of us this Saturday 🙌), this program has been the best decision I've made to up level my life.

Here's some info...

Do you struggle with...
  • Not enough sleep?
  • Not enough time for self care?
  • Negative self talk?
  • Too much time on social media
  • Not moving your body throughout the day
  • High distraction
  • Not eating the right foods
  • Not being present, and on and on
Guess what happens when you reverse all those habits? 
What happens when you do get enough sleep, you're fully present, you eat nourishing foods, you take care of yourself, you speak good words to your mind, you're present, you feel connected to your life purpose and to God? 
The truth is, there's no magic bullet.  Happiness and peace in life is always the result of more than one thing, and always tied to the basic fundamental habits that care for the body, mind, and spirit.  
What if this was the year that you locked in those fundamentals for yourself?
What if this was the year that you learned how to be consistent in those supportive habits that make all the difference?
What if there was a way to do this that didn't require you to be perfect?
Let 2023 be the year you lock your habits into place.  You don't have to live with anxiety and overwhelm.  There's a better way.  
I promise, a year from now you'll thank yourself!
Use the link below and you'll receive my Take Time to Make Time Mini Course for Free! Enrollment closes March 20, 2023.


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