She Really Wanted them Out

Monday was the day.
Lilly was scheduled to get her tonsils out at 2:20pm.
Lilly woke up at 4am with a headache and she was maybe a little feverish.
I say maybe because our girl is hot blooded and feels warm on a good day.
I gave her 200 mg of Ibuprofen and sent her back to bed.
She woke up around 8 for breakfast and was feeling a little better.  She asked if we could pray together asking that she could feel good and be able to get her tonsils out.  
They have been making her miserable with repeated sore throats and not being able to sleep well at night with all the snoring.
So we prayed.
In the mean time, Kevin and Kloe had been so sick with the flu (not the puke kind, the other stuff).
I was concerned Lilly was getting what they had.
I went on with my morning and later found out Lilly went downstairs and prayed some more.
She really wanted them out.

By 10:30 the meds had worn off and she was feeling a lot better, so we went for it.

She got a little nervous right before the surgery, but not nervous enough to back out.

This cute little tree kept me company in the waiting room.

About 30 minutes later the Dr came out to tell me, "Those tonsils were huge, and her adenoids were blocking 40% of her airway. It's so good we got them out."
She did great and was so thankful her prayers were answered.
I'm thankful my girl knows God can do all things, and that she'l ask in faith.

We stocked up on jello, mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese and popsicles, which Kevin and Kloe have lived on all week.

We've kept Lilly downstairs, away from the sickies.
I asked her Tuesday which was worse, her last bad case of tonsillitis or getting her tonsils out.
She didn't even hesitate, the tonsillitis was worse.

Turns out there's a tonsil fairy.
The Dr's office gave her some change, 20 bucks showed up in the mail from grandma and she got a couple new pairs of pj's. 
She's doing so well and on the mend.
Georgia's done her part to take care of Lilly too.

Georgia's been a good girl to leave the tree alone.
When we first put it up she tried to eat the popcorn, but a few firm "no's" did the trick.

Tomorrow's my 51st birthday.
Being 50 has been pretty great.
Kevin and I became debt free for the first time since 1995.
I found the Libby app and have read or listened to more books this year than I ever have in years past.
I've been able to spend lots of time with my babies in and out of town.
And I found a great supplement that ended my hot flashes--huge win 😰.


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