Valentines Weekend - Day 3

First thing Sunday morning the boys had to show us their monster jam blanket.

Aubrey gave the lesson for Home Church/Come Follow Me.
We learned about what it means to be a peacemaker.
Sometimes Beau and Logan get a little frustrated with each other--which includes some crying and yelling.

Will hung out a bunch with Papa.
I think he was bummed he didn't get invited to the Monster Truck Jam.

Beau's favorite truck is the Megaladon and he and his dad built one.

Wish you could hear Will's little giggle.
So cute.

Did you know the Super Bowl was Sunday?
I had no idea until the Friday before.
It was so fun!
The first time in years that I sat down and watched an entire game.
Aubrey made her delicious Monte Cristo sandwiches and my Ram's won so it was the perfect night.
Just kidding, I don't even have a team. The only reason I cheered for the Ram's was because my cute little Jackson loved the Ram's when he was little.

It was such a bummer to leave the babies Monday morning.
Can't wait to go back!


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