The Best Sense of Humor

 Guys, can we just talk about how God has the best sense of humor!

I think He knew parts of my brain were stagnating and so he sent me on a mission to help control enthusiasts and knew I'd have to wake up every single stagnate area of my brain to get the tech up and running to reach my enthusiast friends.

My 9 month Drop the Cactus course has a few bonuses. One of them is my Take Time to Make Time Mini Course where I teach the system I created in my 20's to control and manage my time. I spent last week trying to get the tech working so I could also offer it as a stand alone product.

I did it.

I totally did it!

It was a full on miracle.

If you'd like some tried and true tips on how to create more time for the stuff that really matters

CLICK HERE for more info and here's a coupon code: FAVORITE

 It's good through February and gives 75% off to all my favorite blog followers 😘.

And now it's on to learning the science of Facebook and instagram ads 😅. Wish me luck--and more miracles.

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