Miss Maisie and a Movie

Miss Maisie Jane is working hard to grow!
Had some jaundice on Wednesday.

Peeked at her Mama and Daddy on Thursday.

And took to the binkie like a champ!

Her main job is to sleep for the next month.
Papa Kev wants that for his main job too.
Emmy was discharged from the hospital yesterday and she and Garren will stay mostly at our house, so they can be closer to the hospital.

Kev saw these blow up outdoor screens on Amazon and thought it would be a fun set up for our projector.
We were not anticipating it to be so big!

We broke it in with Godzilla vs King Kong.
Lilly's been wanting to see it since it came out.
Which I thought was odd, since she's all about the Disney movies.

When the wind wasn't trying to blow it over, it worked great!
Kevin and Gracie spent half the movie trying to figure out the learning curve of tying it down correctly.

Lilly loved it.
I sleep watched it.
Gracie left early to go to bed.
Janie liked it.
Kevin liked that the girls like it, not sure how much of the story line he saw since he was the maintenance guy.
Janer's get's to pick the next one.

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