Talkin bout the Ladies Day

This would be the 5th daughter I've had the privilege of giving the ladies day talk to.
With four older sisters, I figured she already knew the gist of it.
I connected the dots for her and when I mentioned ladies day comes around once a month this was her reaction...

She thought it was once a year.
Finding out dogs have a ladies day really freaked her out.
She did think no ladies day for the nine months of pregnancy was nice.

I can’t believe my baby girl is 10!
She is my spicy little sweetheart.
Love her so much!

We finished our date looking at the pets she'll never get.
Then we picked Mama Jan up from her eye appointment.

Check out her magic sunglasses...

Gracie stopped by to show Grandma her prom dress.

Prom was Saturday and she had so much fun!
More photos and details on that later.


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