The 12 Days of Christmas

One of the highlights of the Christmas season was doing the 12 days of Christmas for two of Lilly's favorite neighbors.
She went shopping with me for the gifts, wrapped them all herself, and delivered every single one of them--with the help of her sisters who can drive.

Lilly was great to remember to make the deliveries every night.
She'd bundle up and cover as much of her face as she could, so she wouldn't be recognized.

On the 12th day she revealed herself to Keith (remember Keith, the "Lello-bean guy").
If you're new here, you may not know that when Lilly was tiny, she wasn't user-friendly in church and Kevin would have to take her out in the hall most Sundays.  When Lilly was 18 months old, Kevin got put in the bishopric and had to sit on the stand.  
Keith sat behind me and the kids in sacrament meeting and unbeknownst to me, would give her jelly belly's.
No wonder I hardly ever had to take her out.
Lilly has always had a soft spot for Keith, and he for her.
When Keith's wife had to be put in a care center, Lilly would go sit by him so he didn't have to sit alone in church.  It was the sweetest.

On the 12 day of Christmas Keith had a gift waiting for Lilly.
Inside was a couple of sparkling ciders and a cheesecake for her to share with her family.
She also did the 12 days for Grandma Meldrum and her two daughters.
She loves them so much too!

Lilly rearranged her room again.
This time in preparation for her and Gracie's sleep-over on Christmas Eve--thus the addition of the air mattress.

And then she slept on the air mattress for a few nights, just to break it in.

A couple other highlights from Christmas week was being able to see the "Christmas" star from our porch.
So cool!

And Aunt Megan taking us to the Cross E Ranch.
Or was it the Cross V Ranch.

We had big plans to take the bus so we could all ride in the same car.
No vehicles over 9' were admitted.
So I measured to be sure the bus wasn't too tall.

As we slowly drove into the entrance, we heard scraping on the roof.
Apparently 9 foot was a loose estimate of the hay bales holding up the sign.
We had to back out, turn around and go home and get different vehicles.
Luckily the only damage was a broken light on the roof.

This light show was pretty small compared to Christmas in Color, but it was very fun!
The kids loved riding in the back of the truck and the boys talked nonstop all things Star Wars with Meg's friend Alex.
They gave us free donuts to compensate for the broken bus light and not only were there Christmas trees, lights, and decorated farm equipment, but they also had animals and Jesus.

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