So Happy to be Together

Gracie shared this message during Home Church yesterday and we had the best discussion about it.
If you've struggled with perfectionism or wondered if you are enough, you might benefit from his message.
Elder Holland gets it.

We gathered last night for our first Sollis family night in months.
The cousins were so happy to be together!

Great Grandma Jan meeting baby Ona 💕.

Garren gave a lesson on the importance of remembering.
We can access faith, strength, joy and gratitude as we remember the faith of our ancestors, the faith of Moses, Nephi, Esther, Alma, and others from the scriptures, the blessings and answers to prayers we've received in the past, and most importantly remembering can always draw us closer to Jesus.

Remember how I expanded our family room space a few weeks ago?

It fit the whole crowd with room to spare :)

We wished Haylee and Jesse well as they head off to a new adventure this week!
(Haylee is in the white shirt holding baby Ona and Jesse is in the blue shirt next to her.)

They graduated from USU and are moving to Michigan where Jesses will begin his PHD program at the University of Michigan and Haylee will be a Jr High math teacher!

And on a totally different subject.
My sister Megan was a guest on a podcast last month.
She is living proof why I love life coaching so much!
Click below to listen.

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