It's Going to Be Good

Isn't technology the best!
Yesterday morning we held our mission prep class on Zoom.
Our missionaries and prospective missionaries are having such a different experience than they thought they would.  We've got missionaries that are supposed to leave in the next couple months for the Philippines, Kansas, Russia and Alabama.  All of them are in limbo, not sure whether they'll go to those places, or be reassigned, or leave later than planned.  We have some who have been sent home early from the Dominican Republic and Guatemala.  They are in limbo too.  Quarantined for 14 days and then wait for a reassignment.
I encouraged all of them to forget all their ideas of what their mission should look like, and choose to be curious and excited for whatever is to come.
I have no doubt God is in the details of this, and he knows what he's doing.

We planned our Holy Week today.
We began by writing down every word we could think of that describes Jesus.

All of these attributes are examples of holiness.

We'll spend our morning gospel study reviewing scripture about the restoration of the Lord's church and then these are our daily themes...

We have a few other things planned for our evenings.
It's going to be good.

Kevin and I were talking yesterday about how our uninterrupted family time has been heaven on earth.

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