Gut Job

We talk now and then about the blessings we are seeing from being in lock-down mode, and gutting this room is definitely one of them!

Janie will move out and into Kloe's old room in August when Kloe goes to college, so Lilly will have this room all to herself.  She's been thinking about what she wants it to look like and when she told me her ideas I asked her if she'd like to make some of the changes now.
She's been bugging me ever since to do it.

So we did.
It took two days but we dug in and gutted the place.
We ended up with a bag and a half of trash and 10, that's right, 10 bags of Di stuff.
What a rush.

She wanted to turn the closet into her office, so we made it happen...

Lilly was such a hard worker.
She helped for hours and has kept the room clean for almost a week.

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