Our Little Man is Growing Up

This kid has a lot of hair.
A lot of hair that grows really, really fast.
And he hates, hates, hates to have his hair cut.
Like major freak-out hates it.

Jackson usually cuts it.
Gwama Becky offered to cut it a couple of times, but Beau wanted no part of that, and I wanted no part of him hating his Gwama.
They tried taking him to a fun place that cuts kids hair.
He hated that too.

Finally, after a week of talking about it, an hour hiding in the backyard, a cookie and an episode of Magic School Bus, Beau had a hair cut--minus the hysterical freak out!
Yay Beau!
Our little man is growing up 😢
He turns three next month!

Looks like they were prepared for the worst, strapping him all in like that! 😂😂😂

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