A Temple in Taylorsville!

Such a great weekend.
It was a spiritual feast for our entire family.

(Cool drawing by Kloe of our Prophet President Nelson and his counselors)

Lilly staked out her spot bright and early Saturday morning.
She snuggled in for all eight hours of the conference.
She loves it, and I love that she loves it.

One of those socks are not like the other.
Everyone got to pick some Halloween socks but Janie went another direction.

We had a full house for every session.

The highlight of the conference for me was the General Women's Session Saturday night.
It is for women and girls eight and older so this year Lilly joined us.
Some of us wanted to stay home and watch it on TV, but Lilly was adamant about dressing up and going to the church to see it. 
She was pretty cute pleading her case.  Her main reason for wanting to go was because she'd helped clean the chapel with Kevin and the girls earlier that morning.

There were some new announcements for the Young Women program, which includes all girls 11-18.
Among other things, they announced a new theme (see above). 
It's beautiful and powerful.

There were several speakers with faith filled messages, but our last speaker, President Nelson, was my favorite.
I love the temple.
I have been learning more and more the past few years about the blessings and symbolism in the temple.  I am grateful for the Priesthood power I have been endowed with and I was reminded in President's Nelson's talk that there is much more power available to me and all women.

I was enjoying every word he had to say.
And then he surprised everyone by announcing the new temples that will be built.
There are new temples announced at almost every General Conference but always during the last Sunday session of conference.

It's always fun to hear where the new temples will be built.
He was listing them pretty fast so I missed some of the details, but I was completely surprised to hear him say "Taylorsville, Utah".
I couldn't believe it.
I think everyone in the entire chapel was shocked to hear it.
The Jordan River Temple is only about 15 minutes away, so I don't think it ever crossed any of our minds that we'd get a temple.
So thankful.

Of course we started speculating immediately where it might be built.
The two purple circles were my guesses.

Kevin thinks it will be in that pink space on the bottom left.
We drove by it yesterday and I think he's right.
We will see :)

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