Hidden Falls

Our Jackson Hole trip was perfect from start to finish.
Some of the kids asked if we could hike to Hidden Falls.  It has been years since we hiked to the falls, so I was on board.  All the kids but Lilly ended up wanting to go so I pulled mom rank and made her come too so we could get a family photo with the falls.

We got up early to miss the crowds and it was worth every minute of missed sleep.
Such a beautiful morning.

It was pretty rainy but we took our chances.
The weather cooperated and we hiked the two miles to the falls.

Lilly said she liked the waterfall but didn't like the hike, which came as a surprise to me because she was so pleasant the entire time.
She later told me she didn't want to have a bad attitude.
Way to buck up Lilly.

The falls were incredible!

Our plan worked and we had the place to ourselves for a while.

Such a perfect morning!
After the hike we met up with Papa Dave, Mama Linda, Tam and Steve and they spoiled us with a delicious breakfast by the lake.

Beau Bear LOVED throwing rocks in the lake.

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