Fun Facts About Oklahoma

A few more campus pics...

Kevin lived in this apartment just down from Campus...

Sometimes we need a little space from each other on these trips...

Just kidding.
We can't get enough of each other.

A few fun facts about Oklahoma.
The clouds are SO LOW.
And they have some of the highest cell phone towers I've ever seen.

Turtles like to hang out on the road and instead of dead cats you see dead armadillos.
Seriously.  It's gross.

We checked out a 136 acre ranch for sale.
It had a lake stocked with large mouth bass and there were turkeys and deer roaming the property.
Soooo tempting.
And land is sooo cheap!

There are different churches on every corner.

We were able to meet up with Sarah and Bryan Petty for lunch on our way to the airport.
They used to live in our neighborhood.
These two are the best!
They're both from Texas, moved to Utah after they were married, and then moved back to Texas seven years ago.
So fun to see them!

We made a quick stop at Bu-cees.
Best bathrooms in Texas.

One of the highlights was a session at the Oklahoma City Temple.
I love these small temples.

When we get rid of all these kids (just kidding, I'll be devastated when they are all out) we plan to do some temple trips, just the two of us, and go to as many temples in the US that we can.

Despite the fried chicken, cheese fries, and ice cream, we ate pretty clean otherwise.
Kevin actually came home lighter than what he was when we left.
We even found a delicious Vegan place.

We packed healthy snacks.
Plant based protein shakes (which aren't near as good without all the fresh fruits and veggies but we powered through them) and I figured out oats in a ziplock work even better than oats in a jar because you can just chuck the bags.

This was the best trip!
Can't wait for our next one.

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