In the winter our garage door gets REALLY loud so Kevin W-D'd it.
Some of the W-D dripped down the door. I was too lazy to go get the ladder so Lilly suggested I let her take care of it.
She may be 6 (she'll be 7 in 32 days) but that little mind of hers is always working on solutions.
Sometimes it's great. Other times it's maddening. Sometimes I just say no to say no but Lilly won't take no for an answer. There's always a way with Lilly. It's exhausting for me, but great for her because this girl is going to get whatever the heck she wants out of life.
Today I will be in my pj pants and doing the family taxes.
With the help of H&R Block Business Software I'm attempting to do our business taxes for the first time. I used to do our personal taxes. I do Emmy's, Dakota's, and also Sluffin' It Socks's taxes.
We've simplified the business over the years and I've done the book keeping for the past 11 years so I think I'm ready. And, I enjoy working with numbers so it will be a fun challenge (I hope).
Here's a fun fact. I took accounting classes in High School and wanted to be an accountant right up until my Senior year when I had to select a major on my college application. I checked the "Elementary Education" box. I don't even know why but I am SO grateful I did. My love of teaching began my freshman year of college and my love of gospel teaching began in my late 20's. I gotta figure out how to get my gospel doctrine teacher job back after I get released from my Stake calling. Or maybe I'll just start a neighborhood Bible study class.