
My days are filled with lots of reminding.
Reminding the children to do their chores, practice their instruments, brush their teeth, take a shower.  Once they turn about 12 they don't need the shower reminder.
After being a mother for almost 24 years you'd think I'd have better systems in place to keep the remindings at a minimum, but sadly, I do not.

I have to remind myself to clean the little girls room once a week (their idea of clean and my idea of clean are very different, as it should be).  Otherwise it really gets out of control...

I also get to remind them who they are and where they came from.  This morning we reminded them that every hard thing they go through in this life will be a blessing to them if they will stay close to Christ.  We also reminded them that Satan likes to entice them to sin with a little truth combined with a lie, just like he did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

This same chapter has one of my favorite verses of all time...

Joy has very little to do with our external circumstances, choosing joy is always an option and it's easy when our focus is on Christ and his work.  Mothering totally falls into that category.

Got this little reminder in the mail.
Yay for pumpkin shake season!

Did you know Aubrey has a blog?  
I loved THIS post she wrote about seasons, identity, work and joy.  You should read it :).

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