Mornings at the Beck House

Bed head at it's best...

Mornings at the Beck House are busy.  
Everyone is up for scripture and prayer at 6:20.
(Except on days like today when the kids are out of school and we all sleep in :)

Estabon is the first to leave for High School.
He drives himself and it is SO NICE.

Kloe leaves next.  She loves when it's Dad's turn to drive carpool.  Occasionally I fill in, but she says I talk too much and can be a little too hyper.  FYI-Kloe is NOT a morning person but her mother is.  I'm up and going at 4:30 which is why I'm completely useless after 7pm.

The 6th and 2nd graders are next but they have a lot more time before school starts so there's time for practicing and homework.

Miss Lilly rolls out of bed whenever she feels like it.
Eats breakfast at her leisure and gets dressed when she's in the mood.

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