Stuff from our Week

The kids are out of school today so we are thinking we'll take them to Ensign Peak since I've lived here almost my entire life and never been there.  I'm a little embarrassed about that.

Here's some random stuff from our week... 

The girls sang their little hearts out for the grandmas and grandpas at the old folks home.

Em and her roommates took Haylee to do baptisms in the Logan temple for the first time.

Kloe had a pizza date with her Aunt Megan.
Kloe told Meg that she was a lot like her big sister (me) because we both have embarrassing dance moves and basically put a salad on our pizzas.  That first thing, totally false, but the pizza salad, ya that's true.

Kever had a chicken and waffles date with his mama at Pig and a Jelly Jar in Salt Lake.  Best chicken and waffles in Utah :)

These two fed their frappuccino addiction and started a joint Instagram account, Klokar14.

Lilly decided on a Halloween costume for Wonderlock, her favorite stuffed animal.

And the girls got to go to the Halloween carnival at the school.

The End

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