Easter 2016

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday.
It began with worshiping our Savior in church.
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins".  -2Nephi 25:26
My children know why we celebrate Easter.  They know it's to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior and that he broke the bands of death.  They know he lives.  They love him.

We spent the afternoon with Kevin's family.
Grandma and Grandpa spoil the kids with Easter baskets full of all kinds of fun things and Tam and Steve are pretty much professional Easter egg hiders.

This year Uncle Steve sent Estabon on a scavenger hunt and the prize was one GIANT egg.

Aubrey's birthday came a few weeks early when Grandma and Grandpa gave her her very own minky quilt made by Mama Linda.  The quilt is covered with cute little Russian dolls (which is perfect for Aubrey who speaks beautiful Russian and served her mission in Ukraine).  We Becks call them the diaper dolls because Mama Linda has a set of Russian stacking dolls and starting with Jackson (who did not like having his diaper changed), whenever the kids would get a diaper change at her house they'd get the diaper dolls to play with.

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