
Janie made the cutest little thankful book.  This page is my favorite.

On this, the last day of November and my last day of sharing my grateful stuff, one of the things I've been most thankful for since Spring is circuit training.  Pretty much every year since college, one of my goals has included consistent exercise (I don't often advertise that goal because then I don't feel quite so bad when I fail).  Last year I finally nailed it.  In May of 2014 I started going to the gym on average 5 days a week and kept at it until March of 2015.  I spent most of my time on the elliptical and sometimes the treadmill.  It generally took 50-70 minutes out of my day and while I enjoyed the workout and felt like my heart was healthier I didn't tone up like I was hoping to do.  Last Spring I decided I needed to work smarter because an hour at the gym was more than I wanted to spend exercising.  So I started circuit training at home with hand weights.  At first with Jillian Michaels, and then with Jackie Warner, and now in addition to those I do a variety of workouts on YouTube.  I found that I got WAY more results spending 25-40 minutes 5-6 days a week circuit training than I did spending an hour 5 days a week at the gym.  Since last March I've lost 15 pounds, I've built muscle, and toned up.  I also improved my diet, but not drastically.  And can I just tell you, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!  My clothes fit better, I'm more disciplined in other areas of my life, and I'm stronger physically and mentally.  

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