
Grandpa's day started with a little exercise.
Wait, scratch that.  His day started at 4am, mine started a few hours later and that's when he started exercising.  He rode his bike for miles, all the while keeping me entertained with his awesome stories.

And then he showed me his high school yearbook.
He was SO COOL.
His nickname was Moonshine.

And Olive Davis, who is now Olive Osmond, Donny and Marie Osmond's mom, sat next to Grandpa in band and did she have the hots for old Moonshine!

For fun, grandpa and his two friends inserted themselves in almost all of the school club's yearbook pictures.  All except the pep squad.  They drew the line at the pep squad.

I left Grandpa around 2:00 to go visit my baby's grave and then went over to Logan and picked up Em and Aubrey.  I can hardly think about my boy coming home--I start to hyperventilate a little.  Kevin spent the day feeling like he was going to throw up, he was so excited!!

When we got home the kids made welcome home signs.

And I set my flight tracker app.
From Sao Paulo to Atlanta is about a 10 hour flight.

So excited!!
And thanks Grandpa for such a fun visit.  
I love you and I'm so lucky to have you!
And I'm so glad you got a tablet for Christmas so you can read my blog :)

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