An Extra Special Baptism

Today was a really special day for our family.
Dakota was able to baptize the T-Man.  
He was our foster son for a couple of months last year.

We introduced him to the gospel during the 2 months he and his brother lived with us and he was so receptive to all of it.  He especially loved learning to pray.
When he left our family I prayed that he would find his way back to the gospel.  I had faith that he would but I never dreamed our family could have such a hand in he and his family's conversion.
A couple of months ago they moved into our neighborhood and I am so grateful the Lord brought them back into our life.  

Sister Prellwitz and Sister Small
Love these Sisters!

This was Dakota's first baptism.
He did such a good job. 

This is T-Man's buddy Jordan.
Jordan was T-Man's first friend when he lived with us last year and now they get to see each other every day!
Tomorrow Kevin will confirm T-Man a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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