Missionary Monday - Week 14 in BNH
Ygor, Maria, and Gabriel got baptized Saturday. Everything was perfect until we were about to enter the font and the fire alarm went off. Everyone was scurrying around trying to turn it off, but we eventually just shut the doors and did the baptisms anyway. Then of course as soon as we finished, the alarm turned off. When the alarm went off I thought to myself "Oh, no, this is a disaster... but for some reason its not stressing me out to much". I could say that that was the Holy Ghost comforting me, but if we are being honest as I pondered on it I believe that after all of the crazy things that happen on a mission when something undesirable comes up, you just do what you can and get over it. President Hess in Michigan used to say, "For every problem under the sun, there is a solution, or there is none. If there is one, quickly find it, and if there is not, never mind it." I like that.
Ygor and Maria were referrals from the stake president. I don't know if I have already talked about him (the stake president), but he is a stud. I've spent 4 transfers in his stake and learned a ton. the parents of Ygor are progressing really well. They have quit coffee and are quitting cigarettes starting today.
I am running out of time, but President Dalton arrived on Friday and called me last night to tell me that Élder Oliveira and I are being transferred together to a new area... It was pretty unexpected because transfers aren't for another three weeks. I think it's sweet that I will still be with Élder Oliveira, but that will mean we will have to open the area (third area in a row). I think you know how I feel about opening areas but, I have learned that the Lord always has a purpose for what he does and especially with something crazy like this I am really excited to find out what it is that he has for us there. We should be able to return for the marriage and baptisms of Alexandre and Cristiane.
Okay, have a good week. Vai Brail!
Élder Beck