The Check Up & The Award

Today was Lilly's first checkup at the dentist.

It went MUCH smoother than Janie's first (my big boy holding my baby girl is the cutest thing ever) and second check-ups.

Unlike Janie Lilly LOVED every second of this experience and did not want to leave.

Tonight was a busy night.
The husband and I had to split up to cover everything.
I went with Emmy to her awards banquet...

Got a kick out of the cover of her program!

And Kevin went with Esty to his awards night.
We knew about the academic award Emmy was receiving but we weren't sure what Esty was getting.

Turns out he was given the Overall Male Athlete Award!!!
You have to be athletic AND smart to get this one!
I'm half tempted to track down that pediatrician I was telling you about last week and send him a strongly worded letter along with a picture of Esty and his award :).

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