How Our Family Follows the Prophet

Lilly fell asleep right before church.
Emmy was sick so I left Lilly with her.
No Lilly = peaceful Sacrament Meeting for the Mom

When she woke up she demanded to go to nursery :)  She LOVES to sit in the very back 4th row of the suburban.  I can't believe we have a 4 row suburban.  Good thing we stopped when we did or we'd have to upgrade to a 15 passenger van like my sisters drive ;).

Janie wrote her own talk for Primary today.
She told all the kids how her family follows the prophet by going to church and to the temple, being kind to each other, praying together, having Family Home Evening, and reading our scriptures.

Family night at Rick and Mindy's house.  Janie opted to attend in her PJ's and 8 bracelets.
Aunt Kimmy showed us THIS great message.

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