Day 3 - Nauvoo Temple

Today I crossed "Go to the Nauvoo Temple" off my bucket list!

Crossing the mighty Mississippi...

It was a cold overcast day in Nauvoo.  The city was beautiful and peaceful.

The more I learn about Joseph Smith and the early Saints the more I am humbled and grateful for the sacrifices they made to follow Jesus Christ.

I spent a good part of last month working on a neighborhood cookbook with my friend Joyce.  We stopped at the Nauvoo Mill Bakery for lunch and they had their very own collection of recipe books...


A couple of my favorites...

Our lodging for the night was in this very fun cabin...

I still remember when President Hinckley announced that the Nauvoo Temple would be rebuilt.  I had recently read The Work and The Glory series of books and I loved learning about the Saints in Nauvoo.  I knew I had to someday go and see Nauvoo and the temple for myself.

I have such respect and admiration for the pioneers, their faith, and their dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We were baptized for 45 people in this font.  Of the 142 Mormon temples, the Nauvoo Temple has the largest baptism font.  Later Kevin and I did an endowment session while the kids went to The Rendezvous show.  The temple was beautiful inside and out.  The peaceful spirit there was incredible.  I am so grateful I was able to worship there and will look forward to bringing the rest of our kids when they are old enough to go.

Here are a few pictures inside our cabin...

Tomorrow's schedule...

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