
I love that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teaches of the importance of Temples.  
They are popping up everywhere and it is so exciting!  In a world where Satan is having his way with so many people, our Savior is fighting back and one way he does it is by building temples.

I am very grateful that Kevin and I are in a place in our lives where we can go once a week.  Most of our Saturday mornings are spent in this temple (The Jordan River Temple).  We are so grateful to be able to worship and receive greater guidance on spiritual things in the temple.  The temple helps me to be closer to my Savior, it helps me want to be more like him.

To learn more about why Mormons build temples go 

and to learn about the blessings of the temple go

Gracie and Jade did a little baking today.

Thank you Costco for dinner.

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