Free Agency

I love that my religion honors and respects our free agency.  

One of my favorite Articles of Faith is #11 - We claim the privilege of worshiping the Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
I am grateful to live in a country where we have religious freedoms.

Today was a really great day and I took NO pictures.  Janie happened to snap these two while I was working on my Yoga project for February.  Lilly makes Yoga not so relaxing.  And yes, I am wearing the husband's sexy Metallica shirt to do Yoga in.

Highlights of my day:  Running into Diane, one of my favorite friends from my old neighborhood.  I haven't seen her since last Summer so we had a few things to catch up on.  She and I have so much in common.  We both have 8 kids and most of them are the same age.  We are both "old" Mama's having babies into our 40's.  We even had our 4th babies on the same day (like an hour or two apart) and both were girls.  I found out today she also lost a baby just a few weeks ago and I was grateful to be able to connect with her about how hard it is to lose a baby.
Another highlight was date night with the husband.  We had lots to talk about over dinner--it had been an exciting and stressful day at the office.  We thought about going to the shooting range before going home but decided we'd try and sneak in the house and lock ourselves in our room to catch up on The Goldbergs and Modern Family.  No luck, Lilly heard us the second we opened the door.  You would not believe how long it takes us to watch a 30 minute TV show with the kids interrupting us every 30 seconds.

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