Merry Birthday

My day started with a quick trip to Walmart (I realized last night I was one gift short for Janie).  I came out to find these blocks on the porch from a dear friend of mine...

Perfect start to my 42nd birthday!

I was pleasantly surprised that Walmart wasn't very crowded and I found these awesome Spidy shoes for Janie!

People have always asked me what it's like to have a birthday on Christmas Eve and if my parents just combined it with Christmas.  My parents ALWAYS celebrated my birthday separate from Christmas.  

I had completely forgot what the table looked like.  Love it! 

I still have the same birthday dinner my mom used to make me...Ham, Crunchy Potatoes, Rolls, Carrots, Frog Eye Salad (my kids LOVE Frog Eye), Carrots, and Cheesecake for dessert.

Check out the pinky :)

And wasn't Esty the thoughtful son.  He sent me this birthday gift on Facebook...

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