Christmas Day 2013

Christmas morning began at around 7:30 at the Beck house...

Emmy believes one can never have too much Shellac

Everyone knows about Kloe's obsession with all things that are owl, but I don't know if I've ever mentioned Gracie's love for monkeys!

Best part of the day...

Skyping our missionary!!!
It was so great to talk to and SEE him!  It was the first time we've seen him "live" since we dropped him off March 13th at the MTC.

He looked and sounded great.  He's happy, healthy, loving being a missionary and grateful.  He's also very very hot.  He says he sweats constantly.  Hopefully he can get used to it since there's at least 2 more months of Summer in Sao Paulo!

Merry Christmas to all!  And to all a good night!  (At 3pm)

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