Not On My Watch

I cannot tell a lie.  I live for nap30 these days.  The Little Man SO needed a nap today and I SO needed him to take one.  He decided to take a partial nap, poop his pants, and then not finish his nap.  



The T-Man likes to read.  He read a total of 80 minutes tonight to catch up from missing a couple of days last week when he was sick and to get ahead so he won't have to read tomorrow while he spends time with his grandma (or his Mema as he calls her).  The boys get to spend several nights a week and Saturdays with Mema which is so great for them.  


One of these days we'll get smart and attach really long strings to the balloons.


Had a little heart to heart talk with Kloe tonight in the midst of homework.  Growing girls require a lot of time and attention.  My goal is to raise smart, kind, grateful, ambitious girls who know they are daughters of God.  I don't want any of them to settle for anything less than a wonderful life and in today's world with the influence of Satan at every turn it's my job to teach them the blessings that come from keeping the commandments and having standards and goals.  I feel like we as parents are fighting a battle against Satan every single day.  It can be exhausting but it's worth the fight.  He won't win on my watch :).

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