Cows & Chickens

Here's Esty with two of his "temple buddies".  They were great sports as we hung out at the tire store after they did Baptisms.  We got to purchase our 8th tire this year.  Nice.

Did you know?
It's cow appreciation day!
Or free Chick fil A day as my sister Tricia calls it.

Dress up like a cow, you get a free combo meal!  
Who does that?  Chick fil A--greatest fast food chicken on the planet :)!
Teju was a cool mom and took Esty and her boys to not one, but two Chick fil A's!  If you're gonna dress like a cow in July might as well get the most out of it.

Tricia, cow appreciation day, Texas style.

Meet my nephew, Ben the cow.

And my niece, Hannah the cow.

Kloe got in on the fun too with Kimmy and her kids.

This has been Natalie and my mom's project for the last two days!  They still need to send me a picture of what went on top.  Isn't that a cute wedding cake?!

We spent the evening with the Jefferies.  They've added Bees and Chickens since we last visited their "farm".  Check out that awesome sweatshirt Marci gave Janie.  She couldn't be happier sweatin' it out with Spidy.

We wore this one right out!

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