Movies and Beauty

Fun Fact #23
(Any guesses as to what day it is at the elementary school?)
When it comes to movies--Jackson (who I don't have any pictures of these days) has a soft spot for dogs and special-needs people who get taken advantage of (He won't watch the movie Radio because of that) . 
Don't even bring up the movie My Dog Skip with Jackson, he's very sensitive about it.
Another fun fact--Jackson is taking a New Testament institute class at USU from my dear friend Wendy Parker.  Half the class is made up of special-needs students.  It's been a pretty great experience for Jackson.

Lilly loves to "go bye bye" so Dad took her for a little spin around the block before he went to school this morning.

My girls learn at an early age that "Beauty is a duty"--Daryl Hoole

So cute I could eat her!

Date night tonight. 
Emmy:  Why are you going out tonight and not on the weekend?
Mom: We can go out on whatever night we want :)
We picked up some take-out from Rumbi and watched 2 hours of uninterrupted television in Kevin's parents' basement.

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