Janie Rose Turns 4!
The big day has finally arrived!
Janie's only been looking forward to and asking about it for the last 11 months!
Today at 7:36am Janie officially turned 4!
(The final link of the birthday chain!)
How? Do you ask, can I possibly remember what time my children were born when I have so many? Well I can't. I'm a pretty good journal keeper so I looked it up. On each of the kids birthdays I usually take a few minutes to read from my journal about their birth and the days surrounding it. We also pull out the scrapbooks to look at the pictures of their births. I've only been blogging for a few years so our last 3 children are the only births documented on the blog.
You can go HERE to read about Janie's Birth Day!
What the blog doesn't say about Janie's birth day was that her mama picked it!
I went in for a Dr appointment a couple of days before and was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. I was having semi regular contractions so I knew Janie would probably come within the week but I didn't want to have her on Kloe's birthday (the 20th). I knew if I went to the hospital they wouldn't send me home so I went in late the night of the 17th, knowing I would most likely deliver on the 18th--thus giving me a one day break between Gracie, Janie and Kloe's birthdays. Another bit of trivia--all 3 of my September birthday girls were due in October. My mom has 32 grand kids and NONE of them are born in October. What are the chances?
Did you know? Janie LOVES Toy Story. And she really LOVES Woody.
She also LOVES Ernest. Remember Ernest? The movie Ernest Goes to Camp is the only one I remember. My mom found a collection of 3 Ernest movies on DVD and the little girls watched it over and over and over during the summer. Janie seemed to like him the most so we gave her her very own Ernest movies for her birthday. She was so excited (so were Kloe and Gracie) and the rest of the morning I got to listen to them giggle as they quoted line after line from Ernest.
Best 5 bucks I ever spent.
She helped mom ice and decorate her pink lemonade cupcakes birthday cake.
She chose pigs in a blanket (Gracie was so happy) and mac and cheese for her celebration dinner.
We are so happy to have Janie in our family. She is so much fun and is always thoughtful and concerned about everyone else.
A birthday isn't quite a birthday without going through the spanking machine :)