
#40 on Emmy's Summer Bucket List=Cover the entire sidewalk with chalk.
Only took her and Haley 3 hours.

I don't often sit on the counter to work on my computer.

It started with me doing one "quick" thing on the computer and that quick thing turned into a long thing, I got tired so I sat.  The husband snuck up on me and snapped a picture.  (And btw that "quick" thing I was doing was for him, cuz I'm just that kind of wife :).

Here is Emmy working at her "job".  She has a little jewelry business and today she had a show in Henefer.  There isn't a lot to do in Henefer but a few of my favorite people live there so I went along to see them.  Kloe came too since Amber (one of her favorite people) lives there.  Stephanie (one of my favorite people) and I went to dinner at Taggarts Grill in Morgan, which is just a few minutes from her house.  If you haven't been there, you should go.  I could eat there every night, at least for a month.  Everything is so good and the desserts are the best.  I highly recommend the Carrot Cake!  We had a fun night--Kloe and Amber rode Amber's motorcycle, Emmy rode Amber's motorcycle and made money, and Emmy and I sang along to Emmy's perfect playlist (#7 on Em's Bucket List=Make the perfect playlist) as we drove back home down the canyon.

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