A Sandwich and Sad Moments

Lots of bonding with the cousins today...


spent the day together crossing things off Emmy's Summer Bucket List.

#10 was "Eat a sandwich in a tree"

She said she looked down and it made her happy when she saw this name on a branch...

I rarely have hard days but I do have sad moments here and there and I've had quite a few this past week.  Two of the nights I couldn't fall asleep and both nights Lilly woke up and wanted to be rocked (she almost never wakes up at night).  Rocking and snuggling her made me feel better and I was able to go right to sleep after putting her back to bed.  I feel so blessed to have a baby to take care of.  Lilly has definitely helped fill the void of losing Baby Kevin.  As I've talked with a few other mom's who have lost children they say the ache in your heart never really goes away.

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