The Rules

Two of the most important rules of Lake Powell are:

#1 - Safety First

Always wear your life jacket.


#2 - Comfort second!
We took along this little machine which made our nights in the tent wonderful.  (If you've ever camped at Lake Powell in the summer then you know how miserable the nights are!)

More entertainment from the potato cannon :)

Did you know?  Kevin's boat is mostly for fishing.  The boating stuff he could take or leave.  He and the boys would go out early in the morning to fish and today he took anyone who wanted to come along on a night fishing trip.

Rule #3 - Always stay near the dock or shore when night fishing!

It started slow...then Jax caught a few bass, we shot the potato cannon in the dark--it was SO LOUD and I'm sure would have scared the other boaters had there been any around, but apparently we were the only ones on the water that late.  We finally headed back to camp after 10pm. It was terrifying driving in the dark.  Kevin said waiting to come back so late was one of the top 3 stupid things he's ever done.  Nobody disagreed with him.  But I will give him props for his mad skills navigating us back to the dock, on the lake, in the dark.

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