Holding Down the Fort

Today I am blogging from here...

The office out at our tow yard.
Our manager Cynthia is on her honeymoon so I am filling in, holding down the fort. Cynthia, I am sorry you have to work in such conditions.
If you'd like to visit this office you'd better have had your shots :) there's no telling what you might catch in this place.

Speaking of Cynthia...thank you for taking care of all the companies who lease yards from us so I can take care of the babies and Kevin can go to school and help me take care of the babies!

As soon as I get home I will be packing the family truckster and heading to the family cabin for more bonding with the family.  The kids are SO excited.  I emailed Kevin this morning with a list of chores for each of the kids to get done before we can go.  It's amazing how quickly they get their jobs done when they have a big incentive. 

It will just be Jackson and Kevin holding down the fort at home.  They will hardly know what to do with themselves having all that peace and quiet.

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