What They Didn't Tell Me...

Check out Jackson's latest ceramic creations...

Is that not the coolest cereal bowl ever?!

A very nice vase and a toothbrush holder that didn't quite work out so it is now a...

pen holder--hard to tell from the picture, but he's got a baseball stacked on a fish stacked on a football.  Is this boy creative or what?!

Lilly has been obsessed with the dryer lately.  If the door is left open she climbs right in whether it's full of clothes or not.

Today was a good day.  My BFF Shelley came up from Payson to spend the day with me.  It was so fun to see her and catch up!   We talked non-stop for over 6 hours about a million different things.  We probably could have kept talking for another 6 if we both didn't have families that needed us :)

I've been reading about the different families on the www.trisomy.org website.  I added Baby Kevin's story to the site.  As I read the different stories I've been thinking about all the things the Dr's tell Trisomy moms...

The baby is not compatible with life
The chances of the baby being born alive and to term are slim
If the baby is born alive it probably won’t live long
The chances of the mother having pre-eclampsia is higher
My Dr used the word “fatal” repeatedly
They also ask if you’d like to terminate the pregnancy

What the Dr’s don’t tell us is:

These babies are too perfect for this life
To appreciate every minute of the pregnancy and the baby growing inside you because that baby is a wonderful gift and you’ll miss having him/her inside you after they’re born
You can enjoy this pregnancy as much or more as a pregnancy with a “healthy” baby
These babies will teach you incredible lessons if you’ll let them
You can feel heaven near as you trust God and His will for your baby

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