19 Years!
As Emmy was taking our picture she asked, "Did you ever think you'd be celebrating your 19th anniversary and be pregnant with your 8th child?" Ha! If you'd asked us on our wedding day what we thought our family would look like in 19 years we'd probably have guessed having around 4 kids! Being married 19 years and expecting #8 pretty much sums up our entire marriage--full of surprises! They haven't always been the good kind of surprises but we wouldn't trade any of them. I knew being married to Kevin would be great, I had no doubt! But I'll admit I was completely clueless as to what we were in for. Marriage is harder than I thought (or at least it was in the beginning, it's definitely gotten easier) and it's also even better than I thought! I feel blessed and grateful every day to be married to my best friend.
A few of my favorite things about Kevin would be...
-Watching him be a dad, he was born to be a dad and he's so great at it
-The way he treats me, he takes good care of me and supports me in everything and anything I want to do
-How he almost never goes anywhere alone, he always takes at least one of the kids with him and he especially likes to take the babies
-His perspective of the big picture in life--he just "gets it" and helps me when I don't
-How sensitive he is to the needs of me and the kids, he recognizes what we need and then does whatever he can to fill them
-How he calls me his "cute little pregnant girl", even though there is nothing little about being 7 months pregnant! He's called me that a lot over the years :)
Happy 19 years to my Kever! I love you more!