A Note, A Dr. Appt and A Shower
I had this little love note from Emmy waiting for me this morning...
In case you are wondering, there is no fast way to get to the "U" during rush hour. I found it amusing that I ended up behind the "Fast Movers" truck--it was going a whopping 40 miles an hour on the freeway.
I survived the glucose test. Nothing like 50 grams of sugar in a nasty lemon-lime drink to start my morning.
This visit actually felt mostly "normal". I am measuring normal for 26 weeks. The baby's heartbeat sounds normal. The Dr did say that after my next ultrasound we'll need to make a post-birth plan for how we'll want to proceed once the baby is born--not exactly normal procedure but I'll deal with those choices after we have the ultrasound.
I spent part of the rest of the day getting ready for my friend Sarah's baby shower!
And how cute is that little gift from our neighbor Teena!